Saturday, 29 June 2013

Stick & Poke Friday Night.

So last night was fun! Just hung out with some of the girls and did Stick & poke soot balls on our self's. I decided to do mine on my shin. Bad decision! I also re-touched up a heart and anchor Nick an I did last year. Look's so much better now as before I did it with a sewing needling instead of a tattoo needle, ha ha! I just order some black tattoo ink so I can do a couple more little things on me!

I'm thinking about starting a decent size piece on myself and just add to it every now and then. I was thinking a mandala. I'll draw one up & just get the outline down as much as possible and then just add to it every so often. Problem is I want to do it on my knee. Ouch! It'll look so good once it's done though and i'll be so proud of myself. Ahh I gott'a do it!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Visual Merchandising.

Hey team! >^,,^<

Had a good day today, despite some personal issues, but I haven't let that stop my good vibe of the day! 

I went for a last minute job interview this morning, which was literally arranged at 10pm last night. It was for the MOD in the drawing rooms, I'd be working with all the old building drawings back to the 1930's. The interview was really odd, it was so formal. Like, they didn't ask me anything about why I want to work for the company, just basically told me what I'd be doing so I had to show myself off a lot more, but I think it went okay! It was one of those ones where I couldn't really tell. As I got home from this interview I got a phone call from the Visual Merchandising company, DCK, who I went for an interview with on Friday & I was successful! Yaaay! 

So i'm back in the world of employment. Hurrah! I was getting so bored. This job seems really good though. It looks after all of the Arcadia group stores, House of Fraser & many more. We all get an area each and tomorrow i'm meeting with my Team Leader and she's going to talk about it with me more! What stores I'll be covering, etc. It's such a huge weight off of my shoulders! Now I can focus on my work & drawing. Especially as Nick is away a lot at the moment writing his bands, POLAR, album.

Away from all of that I use Pinterest quiet a lot! If anyone who reads my blog does as well, give me a follow! It is just Laurel Cummins So a couple of things that I have liked from today are these 2 photo's that I am about to post. I recon I'll do this every so often as their is so much stuff I love on Pinterest! 

First of all -

I love this beautiful tanned leather bag, I wish I knew who it was by! The size of it is perfect, I could fit all my drawing stuff in there, my laptop, books - everything! The colour of it is what really attracted me. Whenever I buy bags I normally just stick to a simple black bag so I could use it with everything, but this!

This is a tattoo done by an artist called, Rafel Delalande. I only came across his work today as the only reason I used to use Pinterest was to look at the tattoo designs posted on it for inspiration! I love everything about this. As well as American Physco being an awesome movie. I love how everything's in black and grey tones, then splatters of the blood across his face! So good! I'll defiantly be searching up Delalande's work a lot.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Welcome back.

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't used this in a while. I'm a bit useless with social networking sites these days, Instagram's the only one I really use! (unicornlaurel) although I don't have a phone that lets me post photographs on it so i'm useless at that as well for a little while! 

Thought I'd start using this more, gives me something to do! I haven't really been up to anything exciting recently as I have zero pennies. I am waiting to hear back from an 'area visual merchandising' job which would be really good. They take care of Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Boots, Debinhems, House of Fraser, and tons of other places! So it'll be good if I got that - fingers crossed! With the retail sector that's what i'm looking to go into as I need to do something creative otherwise I go insane! I'm still building up my tattoo portfolio all the time though, but will be doing this until I have enough money to back me & until i'm actually happy with my portfolio - i'm such a perfectionist it's going to take forever! But I guess that's not a bad thing.

My weekend has been quite good though! Friday night I went to Brighton for the night with 3 of my friends, we all drank far too much Vodka & it ended in me being knocked over and bumping my head! Could only happen to me, accident prone! But it didn't ruin my night! It was an 90's rock music night too, which is my favourite so I just sang and danced all night with the girls! Saturday I spent to day with my lovely partner who I hadn't seen all week because he's been writing his new bands album, so we got to spend the day in bed just watching movies and eating junk food. My favourite days! And Sunday I had a big family roast then finished our evening with 'Sunday Funday' down the arcade, we bowled and played allll the games! Collected enough tickets between us to buy texas holdem which we are going to play on our next Sunday Funday, but I think alcohol is going to be involved - oh dear!

So yeah! that is basically my last couple of days. I'll try post stuff on here every now & then. It'll more or less be me moaning/posting about things I like. I think i'm going to lay low for a little bit and get on with loads of work so hopefully I'll have a lot to post about! 

Anyway, i'll leave you with this for now. I hope you enjoy my ramblings and thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.