Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Whilst i'm on the same topic of looking into the future, I get excited now about having my own home to decorate. At the moment I only have my bedroom and being someone who collects every little object that I possibly don't need, it's getting kind of crowded. I can't seem to help myself though. I would love to be a home designer, but I think any room I design would be too personal to myself to give to someone else, unless they are a close friend or family member. I'd love to own a massive house, with plenty of rooms for me to decorate and clutter up as I have too many idea's bouncing around my head for just a small house. One step at a time I guess! Here are quite a few photographs I have found on Pinterest of designs of house i'd like my house to look. I've always been surrounded by photographs around my home and quilts everywhere, having a mother who is a quilter, so where ever I live will always be cosy and full of useless rubbish!









Having both of my older sisters getting married next year I am constantly surrounded by wedding talk, especially as my mum is making their wedding dresses. My house will soon be full of all wedding things! As i'll have a couple of years to wait till I get married I never think it's a bad idea to pick out things you like, for anything in the future. If you see something now, grab it and hold on to it till the times right, hey? I thought the idea of having a wedding rug to walk down with all of your favourite memories along is a lovely idea, especially if you've been with your partner for a long time and have a lot of memories to share with everyone. I also liked the idea of a polka dot feature wall in a child's room, not only because I love polka dots, but because it's a fun way to brighten up the bedroom without being too harsh.
These are some drinks that I am going to try out! I love how colourful and exotic they all look. Perfect for a cocktail party!

Pink grapefruit margaritas 1 cup ruby red grapefruit juice 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lime juice (about 4 limes) 1 cup triple sec orange liqueur 3 cups ice 1 cup silver tequila 1 lime cut in wedges, optional Kosher salt.

Apricot and Cherry Breezer
cider rum punch
Blueberry Mint Lemonade - I love how this drink it presented! looks so refreshing.
The Seductive Swan--swoon over these, blackberries, & lemonade.
Frenchy: 1 1/2 oz Pear Vodka 3 oz Pineapple Juice 1 oz Cranberry Juice


When I was younger my Family and I went on a holiday to a Greek island, I can't remember what one it was as we used to travel around so many of them. On one of the island's we went to their was a cave that had hundreds of crystals still attached all around it. I remember it being so beautiful, I would of been younger than 10 when we did this, but it's managed to stay captured in my mind. I would love to go back now to have a look at it again, although it would of been made more of a tourist spot than somewhere you can just go and have a wonder. 

I took inspiration from these pictures and created my very own crystal in a stippling style of work. I just wish it was real!


I've always remembered from when I was younger my mum would get me and my sisters to do things like paint rocks, so random, but I used to love it! They then used to go in our garden to make it more colourful and interesting. That's what you get for having a mother who was a hippy back in the 80's I guess! I know it's something I will do with my children, along with making pasta necklaces! I am even contemplating going to a Garden centre at the weekend to paint some strawberry rocks! I do think that's why I am so creative now though, which I am grateful for. I can easily get inspired by the tiniest of things, and spend hours on it, perfecting it to the last detail.

Along with a few other social media sites, I use Pinterest quite a lot. Full recommend everyone to use it! I find a lot of inspiration on here, wether its home stuff, cooking, designing, creating or fashion ideas. I prefer this site to Tumblr and other photo sharing blogs.

Looking back over my posts the other day I realised I re-pin a lot of cactus' on my 'home sweet home' board. I've always been fascinated with them, hence why I have them all along my windowsill in my bedroom! But how none of them look the same. How their shapes form, what their spikes are like, the colour of them or even if they have fur! I think i'm going to set myself up a little side project but designing a couple of Illustrator today. I will upload the finished piece on the end of this <3 :)
Added! I designed a couple of cactus plants on Illustrator! fun little 10 minutes doing this! Am going to do a big page full of all different ones when I have some spare time.


I don't think my love for outrageously colourful hair will ever go. I used to have milkshake hair, baby pinks and lilacs - loved it! The only down fall of having bright coloured hair is that it fades so quickly. I would love to dye my hair a dark purple again right now but due to starting a  new job and going as Wonder Woman for this years Halloween it has put a hold on it. As soon as I go back blonde the lilac and pink hair will be back!