Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Grandparents 60th Wedding Anniversary.

So my weekend was pretty good! my sister and her fiance came home from Nottingham for the weekend for my Grandparents 60th Wedding Anniversary. I still can't get over how two people can be that in love for over 60 years! It's so humbling. The fact my parents have just done there 30 years together amazes me as well, they have been through hell and back over the years but still have never questioned their love for each other. It's so unheard of in this generation. Makes  me feel so content with the fact that it is what I want in my future. To be so loved up, for so long. 

On Friday night Nick and I ended up getting drunk with my sister, Rhea & her fiance, Kieran. I like it when they come down, because they live up in Nottingham we don't get to see them a lot!

Saturday my family had a massive party for my Grandparents. It was such a lovely day, the sun was shining, BBQ going and a lot of rum punch was drunk! Nick ended up getting quite drunk, not that it's difficult! My mum and auntie terrorised him, poor thing! We all played games through out the day, like snail racing, cricket, etc.. two games which my mum & Auntie thought it would be funny to pick on Nick at was a food tasting challenge. The rest of my family got things like fruit corners and nice tasting stuff. Nick got, cinnamon, coffee, cat food, horse radish, mustard and tons of other stuff ha ha ha! He ended up spitting it out over the table! Second challenge they gave him was a "I may be a relative - GET ME OUT OF HERE!" game where he had to guess what he was feeling inside the box. Poor boy had to guess things like chicken feet, a lamb kidney, pigs ears, sheeps heart & black pudding ha ha ha! Some may say my family are wrong, they are correct.

But all in all it was a lovely day! Sunday how ever was a lot more stressful as my house cat, Dallas, managed to get out! We've only lived round my area for a couple of months so we panicked at the fact he wouldn't find his way home! & the fact we had a fox bring a dead cat into our garden a couple of weeks ago! There wasn't much we could do during the day as it was so hot and I knew he'd be asleep in someones garden in the shade somewhere so we left it for a couple of hours. We went round our friends house who has a pool & BBQ for a couple of drinks so that was good to take my mind off of him! But when we got back Nick and I went on a 2 hour search for him. We ended up finding him in an abandoned house around my area! Little thing ran straight out to me! bless him! hasn't left my side since.

Monday we had good news that my sisters baby is all healthy & she is going to be having a boy! It's a bit daunting considering my families all girls! But he is going to get SO spoilt. Can't wait! He's due on the 22nd November, 6 days after my birthday!! Not long :) I have also received some good news at my job which I don't want to jinx by telling everyone! So fingers tightly crossed it all goes to plan :) :) 

Here are some photograph's of my weekend! Hope everyone has a lovely week & enjoys the sun! 


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